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The light of the World

Light of the world we are, yet darkness overshadow us; overshadow our spirit what shall we attract.?

Where is the light handed down by Christ.? Whither our lies our illumination for peace.? the world on the verge of self destruct, whither lies our lights.

The tunnel is dark, dark to the tunnels end Faith in Christ diminishes, as the earth shakes down to its foundation.Our lights flickered; how could our colors be known.?

Our true colors are to overcome the earth darkness so fluttering our faith, flickering our lights As the world moves to its end.

As the light, so we give hope giving eternal hope for a better world after our sojourn on earth; as we make our sinless Life the key to eternal glory.

The world is yet to end,

So must we remain endless, as we make our light to shine that they may see our good works and give glory to our father in heaven. Amen

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