Why Always Two ?
Why Always Two?
Why always two?.
In the beginning they were two,
He created them male and female,
named them Adam and Eve.
Why always two?. Good and evil,
life and death, male and female,
truth and lies, husband and wife,
success and failure. Why always two?.
Why always two?. The Republican and the
SDP & NRC, APC & PDP. Why always
Can we make them one?.
Won’t we offend God?. Homosexuals
And lesbians are they meant to be one?.
Since they are always two
Are they always two?.
The snail has the two,
isn’t that why he is slow and
only useful for food.
Why won't it be two?.
Why can't it be two?.
When it takes two to tangle.
Can ONE even tangle?. What benefit will
the other derives?.
It should always be two.
Most 1( ONE) are never two.
Two makes things work, as
1 plus different 1 is one.
Can same 1 be 1?. When there are
No different 1s of what benefit will they be
When they tangle?.
Iron sharpeneth iron,
it takes two to sharpen the other,
why won't it be two?.
Why always two?. Reasons for this
I know not, but know one thing for sure
Two makes the world stable. I love two.