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© 2014 By ChristEVERGreen Publications.  created by

In the days of Lucifer...

Death in the air, human carcass

scattered without measure,

roads deserted; littered with waste.

Human echo reverberating.

In the days of Lucifer

Authorities in shambles; corruption a habit.

Confusion in homes,

families and gatherings in

the days of Lucifer

Security overstretched!!!; doom for the masses

“paradise for the masses” they claimed

tyranny is proclaimed

Fake promises abound, deceits, hatred

and disloyalty in vogue; faith in God diminishes;

elders become vane, in the days of Lucifer.

poem 1.jpg

Fake priests abound, Poverty in the land,

men seek that which pleases their hearts;

that which they desire.

In the days of Lucifer.

Dark days, in the days of Lucifer

Masses in pain, citizens groaning

Groaning without measure in the days of Lucifer

How can we overcome?.

How can we subdue?.

In this uncertain day of the earthly king?.

Only by his grace and the blood of the lamb.


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