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When Jesus was brought to Pilate before he was condemned to be crucified for treason, within him, he sees nothing wrong about the allegation made against him by calling himself the king of the Jews. He never seeks political power desired by Pilate but the pressure mounted on him by the people was threatening his position. His status at the time. The people had even threatened to petition against him if he refuses to their will. On the other side, his wife had warned him not to participate in the crucifixion of Christ as she believed that the Jesus had done nothing wrong.

Paul the Pilate was between the devil and the deep blue sea. He needed to pacify the people and at the same time distances himself from having a hand in the crucifixion of Christ, he decided to ask them“ shall I crucify your king?”and thepeople replied “we have no king but Caesar”. This is a way of rejecting Jesus and accepting Barabbas the thief. Those who made this statement are the politicians, the religious leaders at the time before the Mob and the masses reechoed their statement for the crucifixion of Christ and the release of Barabbas.

Then I asked myself is the voice of the people always the voice of God?. There is no doubt that Nigeria is a country under distress due to insecurity, the oil glut in producing countries, oil bunkering etc. The ruling party, which is the PDP has been battling these challenges for 4 years now with little or nothing to show for it. In February 14, 2015 we the Masses are going to decide our rescue ship for the next 4years will it be Jesus Christ or Jesus Barabbas?.

Jesus Christ or Jesus Barabbas will only be known in your heart. The hidden truth to confuse the masses is the JESUS that the 2 have in their name. Are we going to continue to allow things to be this way? The ruling party and the opposition party are giving us assurances for this comingelection, which one is Jesus which one is Barabbas. As for me, I cannot allow things to continue this way I must choose Jesus Christ over Jesus Barabbas even if the masses sway in favour of Jesus Barabbas for their personal gain.

If the voice of the people is the voice of God, Jesus Barabbas would not have been released and Jesus Christ crucified. As for me and my family Jesus Christ must be released while Jesus Barabbasbe crucified.

This is our only chance to make it right. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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