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Inspite of the Boko Haram crisis in the North East and its devastating force in the states most importantly Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states.This incident is indeed depressing, especially to the inhabitants and the indigenes of the country.

Houses burnt and destroyed, children killed and maimed. A once happy state full of tranquility has been torn apart by war. The inhabitants shattered and broken up by war. How can our citizens overcome this crisis? How can they rebuild their internal strength and get through the rigours of this crisis unscathed?

They simply need to remember that they have no place to call their own except their state. They should constantly remember how peaceful their state was, once, and should constantly hold onto that dream and with faith they will regain back their land. Remembering the peaceful nature of their state, will give them strength and with this, they shall overcome.

Your land, your strength.

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