The first death,
The death of Abel by Cain,
Makes me wonder,
How silent the graveyard must be.
All buried in their grave,
Some with fulfilment,
Some with regret,
Had I known in they say?
Could the graveyards be silent?
Years spent on earth,
Boldly written on their graves,
Some longer than expected,
Some shorter than planned,
Could the graveyard be that silent?
Birds chirping in the graveyards,
Breezes shaking the trees,
How beautiful indeed it is
If it is calm beneath.
If indeed it is calm,
Would God have asked Cain
Saying” the voice of thy brothers blood
Crieth to me from the ground”
Could the grave be silent.
As for me, the grave may look silent,
But is never silent,
Though their soul has departed
But beneath the ground lies noises
And pleas awaiting judgement.
It is never silent.