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Every Chelsea fan will have their hearts pumping against their chest towards Chelsea fc match against Manchester united fc. The performance of Juan Malta against Liverpool most especially the second goal against Liverpool at Anfield left much to be desired. The attacking threat of Maroune Fellaini against Manchester city shows how robust and technically gifted the Manchester United midfield is.

know absolutely well that Jose Mourinho will definitely find the solution to Marounne Felaini’s attacking threat in the midfield, but I never believed that Mourinho’s boys will play with such resolute and determination against the reds. The level of concentration against the reds, the resolute defending and their determination to win the EpL this season left much to be desired.

However, credit goes to Jose Mourinho, who mentor and gave the winning mentality to his players turning them into a winning machine. Two lessons are learned in the match between Chelsea fc and Manchester United face(1) one can achieve ones dreams with determination no matter how difficult it is. (2) one should always be sincere with oneself so as to know ones true self, understand oneself so that one can be able to fight one’s opponent when the need arises.

This is what Jose had done to defeat Manchester united thereby reechoing once again that he is the special one.

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