The Arab spring of 2011 was a leaderless revolt that started in the Arab world. The spring made it difficult for the regime at the time to decapitate the uprising since there was no particular leader to arrest in order to truncate the uprising at the time. The united will of the people was the core success of the uprising with their resolve to end the regime in their various countries most especially Egypt.
In Egypt, the Islamic brotherhood, the Christians and all the other eminent groups in the country all wanted to end the reign of the regime. Hosni Mubarak has been in power since 1980, yet the corruption in the country has not abated. The minority is endlessly benefiting from what belongs to the majority. The uprising brought about the coming of the first Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi who ruled between June 2012 to July 2013. Though democratically elected, his ways were not democratic after becoming the first civilian head of state in Egypt. For example, he imposes Islamic views which is not applicable in a democratic system or a secular state like Egypt. His unconcerned attitudetotheopponenthe detained and tortured is anotherway of showing his favouritism to the Islamic sect which did not augur well with the opposing group which fought together with the Islamic sect during the Arab uprising. What finally broke the camels back was the uprising that broke out in 2013 which has a lot to do with the brotherhood flaunting excessive power lopsidedly against the group. The flagrant abuse of the oath which Mohammed Morsi made on the day of his swearing –in to protect and uphold the constitution and the republican system was not fulfilled through his lopsided use of power by supporting the Islamic brotherhood instead of the constitution, which led to his overthrow by Gen Abdulfatah Al – Sisi.
The short lived 5th president of Egypt was forced out by the military after a violent protest broke out under his leadership. He is currently on a death row for his involvement in the prison break in 2011. Many have criticized the Judicial system in Egypt for sentencing to death of the former Egyptian leader without sufficient prove most especially the death of members of the brotherhood caught on the protest and prison break which is over hundred in the country. However, since Egypt has been under the military rule for long, a democratic system reflecting in their judiciary and its administration most especially in the method of adjudicating justice through the use of evidence, its admissibility and relevancy may not have been tested well enough without fear or intervention of the government in power, even though no evidence of such is known.
For the stability of the Egypt political and economic system, an eye for an eye justice system should be abolished for such can be a time bomb in future for Egypt. The death of Mohammed Morsi can lead to a more fierce vendetta from the sect in the futurewho can wait for years to cause chaos or join an organization that can rekindle their vendetta. A living Morsi may indeed unify the people more if he can realize his mistakes which he made while in power.
If all have sinned and are short of the glory of God who then among us should cast his first stone against the adulterous woman. Only the sinless one should cast the first stone but we have them?