When Jesus talked to the fig tree,
I know He sees beyond us,
When you caused the fig tree,
Only you know what you see.
Your love and compassion never a doubt,
Your love is true indeed,
With the death of Lazarus, you wept,
Seeing the sting of death.
You knew God’s main plan,
When Adam was made,
You knew how we disobeyed,
Becoming helpless and insensible
In the spirit, indeed you wept.
You sacrificed yourself for us,
To be better that what Adam was,
A quickening spirit - as you plan eternal
Life as well.
Yet you wept, for many souls are astray
Dying in their thousands
Wasting the gift of eternity
Bestowed on them by your demise.
However, you are Ebenezer,
Who had come and gone,
Who indeed shall come again,
To take with laughter,
Those who trust in you.