Holy Father, Hear Us
In this world of greed,
Hatred, disobedience,
Diminishing love for Christ
Holy father, hear us.
The prosecution of Christians,
Shedding the blood of the innocent,
Injustice to the common man,
Holy father hear us.
Hear us, that we may grow in you,
And you, in us, to come to thy sight in
Trust and is being majestic in the realm
Holy father hear us.
Hear us, that we may overcome
The distractions that surround the
Christendoms, the failures
Embedded in the earth and be prosperous
to do the work you sent us on earth
Holy father hears us.
Hear us, that our name be written
In the book of life as we face
The fierce challenge of the devil in achieving
Our goals for Christ. Holy father hear us.
Hear us that your name be forever glorified
On this earth through the prayer of the saints
So as to shame the devil in the end time
Holy father hear us.