Man made gods (Part One)
I once had a dream,
Dream of a great king,
In his royal apparel,
Bowing down to lesser kings
His princes did the same,
Same In their regalia,
With their staff of office,
Happily, they bow to them
They go to them for alms
Alms for what they created?
Created themselves, and bow to them
Believing it will help them
So the king made up his mind,
To go on a journey of life,
Of all the places he visited,
He was never seen as a king,
So he sought a wise man counsel,
Who told him he is a lesser king,
And never to be called a king,
The king was afraid and asked why
“You have made yourself a lesser being,
Stripped yourself of your powers,
Because you are beneath them,
You can never be called a king.