Celebration; a great thing indeed,
Sign of joy, appreciation,
A cultural habit of a joyful feeling
An immense gratitude.
Deep thinking brings celebration,
Foreseeing a negative side of an incident,
Thank God it was this way!!!
Thank God, not that way!!!!
No matter how you celebrate,
It’s still momentary, short,
Cannot be for long, but;
A sign; you are getting it right.
Most times we celebrate,
Birthdays, religious festivals;
This is simply a reminder of,
Greater celebration to come,
Celebration of his eternal glory,
Where it is all joy and happiness,
Wherein lies no pain or sadness
Our paradise; Where celebration will be forever.
As we wait for the greatest celebration,
May your will be done on earth as it is
In heaven. To practice our celebration on earth
Till it get eternal.