When you act righteous,
So abound are your foes,
Who watches you with contempt,
Sees no gain in you.
When you are righteous;
Reason for your fall, they seek,
To your mistakes they laugh,
Calling you “holy”, to spite you.
With disdain they strain your faith,
To “doubt” the holy one you serve,
To ostracise the “one” in you,
To block your light to shine.
The Apostles of old,knows this well,
They cling onto their faith with strength,
With their soul they hold onto the cross of Christ,
In spite of all odds for Christ.
They suffer no regrets in life,
For with the God of victory they stay,
Who defeated death in hell,
To make truth to prevail.
Righteousness, my truth,
My truth; my righteousness,
Thus, the way of the apostles of old,
This path shall I follow till the end.