Dream of a great life,
Reality and joy,
Lack of this may make us dead;
The walking dead.
Our love for religion a great passion,
Histories of prophets, apostles a motivation
As we emulate Gullibly the teachings of God
So shall we be the walking dead.
Great desire to go to heaven,
Great reward from the heavenly beings
Gifts of the heavenly crown with seven virgins,
We may become, the walking dead.
Walking dead feel no remorse,
Brainwashed, with no focus,
Agreat frustration embedded in the heart,
Ready to kill in the name of God,
God made us in his own image,
What a great loss to spoil the image
With the gift of virgin in the world beyond
A great gift indeed!!For the walking dead.
All walking dead is potential suicide,
Waiting to be triggered for the great mayhem
We can just wait with prayer in God
That this perilous time will pass us by.