The drum in the East,
The drum of Biafra,
In the early years of independence,
This drum once sounded.
So sweet was the sound,
In the ear of the drummer,
An angry sound in the ear of the listener,
With anger, he smashed them.
The listener apologised
He comforted the drummer,
The drummer wept,
As he went home sorrowfully.
His wife and children awaits good outing,
He lied to them saying he was cheated,
This infuriated the family, they promised revenge,
Has the time come for revenge?
This drum, I hear again,
Being beaten by the children,
Who were once lied to,
Who never see the anger of the listener.
But, believed they were cheated.
Hmm, what a generation,
Whose past is unknown,
Yet, they claim the future,
Did they know their present?
Only time will tell.