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Since the political and war crisis in Syria, there has been movement of its citizens en mass out of Syria scamping for safety. Turkey is a neighbouring country to Syria, which either because of their affiliation or Co existence with Syria has in their magnanimity accommodated two million refugees so far keeping them for safety. These Syrian refugees have still at the moment continuously flooding Europe for a peaceful settlement and greener pastures. The Germans under the leadership of Angella Merkel has decided to take in some refugees in Germany even though there were serious criticisms from the opposition party most especially the citizens of Germany. This singular act of the German Chancellor may constitute a great threat to her reelection bid next year.

There is crisis in different parts of the world like Libya, especially since the demise of Gadaffi which indeed has led to the emigrant of people out of Libya because of the fear for their safety. The crisis in Iraq by ISIS seriously threatens the sovereignty of the country as the government of Iraq battles them for stability in their region. All these factors have contributed to the movement of citizens from their various countries to become a refugee in Europe.

Until recently, there were willingness of the European leaders to accommodate these refugees for humanitarian reasons, however, the

The tide changed with the terrorist attack in France killing over 129 on the night of 13 November 2015. This incident indeed has created doubts in the mind of many governments in Europe in accommodating the refugees. Poland, for example, is reluctant to accommodate the refugees into their country, especially when they realize that one of the terrorists that attack France came in as a refugee. Other countries who are not really willing to help were able to attach so much importance to the Paris attack using it as an excuse for their refusal to accommodate the refugees. In fact, Americans were indeed reluctant to accommodate refugees for now.

The refusal of these European leaders refusing refugees into their country is understandable since one of the principal objectives of a good government is the ability to protect its citizens. However, my heart goes to the innocent refugees who only desired peace and accommodation but were refused because of the fear of accommodating the corrupt element among the refugees. I can only consider the pain and endurance these refugees went through to reach their destination and yet were shut out because of the fear of taking in miscreants among them.

If not for the crisis in their country what would they be looking for in Europe. If not for the fact that their government failed them, why would they run Helter skelter looking for peace. Peace, which their government has failed to give them.

Only if their home was in order is there a place like home? Where your history is well kept with pride? Hmm, the refugee crisis is indeed a lesson for those of us who lives in our homeland to do whatever it is necessary to protect it. Endure whatever it takes to make it work because order is better than speed and dialogue is the pathway to achieve the impossible, not war.

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