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© 2014 By ChristEVERGreen Publications.  created by


It has been one year already. It was just like yesterday when I decided to follow my passion which is writing. As a lawyer I have always loved reading and most importantly international politics. My passion for poems stem out of my love for literature when I was in school. The need to post my writing via the internet is simply to make my humble opinion known to as many people as possible in the world. To contribute my quota, no matter how small, to the world.

It has not been an easy journey in the last one year, however, what has kept me running was my love for writing and the need to fulfil my aim in life, my purpose to humanity; giving my gift to the creation. The boost I experienced from you readers out there was the path you stick with me on twitter and Facebook which indeed was amazing and beyond my anticipation. I only express my profound gratitude to all my readers out there and wish you successes in all your endeavour.

Nonetheless, by next year, a great deal of political articles and verse forms, mostly Christian poems will come your way which will indeed grant you a different dimension and perspective from the normal information that is inside your clutches. It will be a researched information based on the ready made information you already bear. Also, the publication of the poems I wrote in this year’s first quota will

Be out within the first four months of the coming year for your pleasure.

Therefore, tighten your seat belt as we move on our voyage for the next one year. I love you all and stay tuned!

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