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Pope, Frances visitation to three African countries, namely Kenya, Uganda and Central African Republic was indeed one of the greatest information I received concerning international news on that week. I tracked the news of his travel to these countries with zeal and expectation, because I see it as a great opportunity for the Pope to break his silence on important religious issues going on in the international politics.

His visit in the United States of America was another visit that got custody of my attention as I anxiously followed his activities in his activities in the States. In his address to the people, he mentioned the need for the state to take cognisance of the Global warming situation and the need to take fervent steps to correct it. The issue of immigration was another important thing he talked about this time, it concerns the immigrant commitment to their host communities in the Unite States. I was a slight bit concerned about the role of a Pope who I view as a Christian head and most importantly the head of the Catholic Mission talked about Global warming. Considerably, as a Christian head, he has the right to speak on any topic, he deems fit, but what about those issues that concerns his area of differentiation which is religion and world peace.

That was the main cause why his visit to Africa took my attention. Along

His visit to Kenya, he stressed the fact that violence between religious group is unjustified and that dialogue between religious groups is the best path forward to resolve the religious crisis. He also urged Kenyans to avoid corruption and urged to who are tempted by fanatical ideologies to desist from it. Similar statements were built on his visits to Central African Republic and Uganda.

Taking a careful look at the visitation of the Pontiff to all these countries, he addresses them with their immediate challenges which indeed is a welcome development. It is indeed to my dismay that the Pope was silent on one important issue which is the issue of same sex marriage, which I believe the Pontiff need to make a stand, a stand that should strengthen the faith of the followers. When President Barack Obama visited Kenya, he proudly made his stand known to the people of Kenya and he was not castigated for it. The catholic church is the creation of many orthodox churches and the beginnings of many Christian faiths in the universe today.

The stand of the Pontiff on same sex marriage to his followers will indeed strengthen their faith or otherwise in the challenges they face ahead. It is a popular adage in my hometown that when the elders are quiet on a thing that merits attention, it is either they are jumbled as to the resolution of the matter or they bear out the issue and don’t

Recognise how to read it publicly. I really hope I am wrong with this adage Otherwise, the Christian world is being shaken to his foundation. The Anglican communion has made his feeling known in England, they bore the same sex marriage and the Anglican Communion in the African countries unanimously disassociated themselves from them up till the present minute. We are now in the world of choice no one can ever sit on the fence again, we need to make a stand.

The silence of the Pontiff worries me his categorical statement goes a long way in directing his flocks as he is the shepherd. In Africa, the Catholic faith is very strong as the people hold firmly onto their faith unfettered, the position of the Pontiff declaring publicly will decide the future of the Catholic Mission as I believe that by 2050 the population of the Catholic members will be half of a billion the silence of a great shepherd in this tumultuous world is worrisome and a stand need to be taken. Gone are those days when people’s position is presumably adopted we are at the time of choice.

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