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When a crime is committed and the suspect arrested, the suspect will be taken to court of law to defend himself. His plea will first of all be taken by registering his/her offence to him and asking him whether he is guilty or not guilty of the crime he is saddled with. If he pleaded guilty there will be no need to get into the nitty gritty of the offence but to punish the accused or the suspect for the offence he accepted to have perpetrated. If he pleaded not guilty the accused individual will need to get into a full trial to decide his guilt or his innocence.

The birth of Christ remains a mystery to me when King Herod started killing children just because he wanted to kill the king of kings who was born in the manger. The visit of the wise men to king Herod stirred the anger of the King, who was determined to achieve this feat irrespective of whose blood, he shed whether innocent blood or the blood of the guilt. Many babies were killed at the time in cold blood, but Christ was not killed since he was meant to fulfil his mission on earth. This

Innocent children that were killed committed no offence, however, they were defeated and their innocent lives were cut short just because a child king was given birth. Regarding the historic period of King Herod at the time, even before Jesus become twelve he would have died considering his years and years of reign he had before Jesus was turned out yet he ordered the cleanup of these children just to keep his throne. Christ offence was never read to him, yet punishment was meted out to him just because he will be the king of kings. He never called himself the king of kings, but the wise men, yet the king trusted them and acted by killing all the new born babies. Christians all over the globe are being persecuted by terrorists like the ISIS, the Al –Shabab and so on yet the Christian offence is not recognized. The refugees who moved from their war torn countries to other countries have stories to tell, as Christians were randomly and mercilessly killed. The birth of Christ and the propagation of Christianity that started in the middle east seems to have started winding up in the middle east. It seems the beginning of the end has commenced.

As Christians, we are the parents of Christ, who in spite of persecution must protect our baby from the Herod of this world and make Christianity to flourish. The birth of Christ in this present day is our faith in Christ that he was born to deliver us from sin and prevent us from eternal damnation. From the day Christ was born, he was charged of treason, treason for a new born baby what a world. His plea was not read to him, his offence was not known to him, he was devoid of innocence, his presumption of innocence until the contrary is proved, but punishment was meted out to him. If this can happen to Christ, how much more his followers as we are sheep among wolves.

It is only left for us to continue to shine the light so much so that they may see our good works and they may glorify the name of God with our deeds. The law of man, no matter how soothing it looks it is only applicable to the common man the ordinary citizens. During the time of Herod, was there no law to curb the monstrous act of the king at the time? During the time of Moses was there no law to stop the killing of children? Even though at the time the king was very powerful. Yet, they're universally compassionate act which every human in his right

Senses will know it is monstrous if so, can't it be stopped? It can’t be stopped because this is the way of the cross. The killing and persecution by ISIS of this world, the Al- Shabab of this world is to use the birth of Christ, which we remember today as a means to strengthen our faith and make the birth of Christ monumental in our heart so as not to lose focus of our duty as a Christian.

As Christians, we are punished without our plea, never presumed innocent until proven guilty yet, we must stand steadfast. As we stand steadfast so earnestly we pray that may the God of Christmas give us the boldness to stand firm when the call arise to proclaim Christ… Amen.

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