I saw a mother hen,
She lays her egg to hatch,
She kept them so secure
For incubation to hatch.
Her eggs she must protect,
No matter how fragile she looks,
This is her duty to her eggs,
Her duty as a mother hen.
Wherever she goes, she returns,
Incubating her eggs for warmth,
This she consistently repeats,
Till the eggs are due to hatch.
Great day of joy for her,
The day the eggs are hatched,
As they look up to their mother for food,
As she gladly leads the way.
How much more we humans,
Who gets pregnant for months,
Spent years in training them
And they disappear without a trace?
Pain of mothers I cannot bear,
The extent of which I cannot imagine,
For mothers to be pregnant for nine months,
And loose the child away.
Hence, I remember the chibok girls,
364 days have gone,
Alive or dead, we know not,
But our prayers go to them.