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© 2014 By ChristEVERGreen Publications.  created by


For many years I have always ruminated over a particular question which I have never asked anyone apart from myself. Why is Saudi Arabia quiet over this terrorism going on in the middle east?. Since terrorism began, I have never heard of Saudi Arabia condemning any act of terrorism until recently and this was a great concern to me. Many Islamic scholars in many parts of the world have condemned the act of terrorism and have boldly claimed that Islam is a religion of peace. One of the 5 pillars of Islam was going to Mecca, which is Saudi Arabia and which many scholars and muslims perform every year to fulfil their religious duties yet Saudi Arabia was quiet concerning this act of terrorism.

The crisis in the middle east perpetrated by ISIS was recently condemned by Saudi Arabia saying categorically that they are going to help certain countries that are bedeviled with terrorism. Some of these countries are Nigeria, Mali, Libya, Tanzania, Egypt and so on. The position of Saudi Arabia to help fight terrorism was admirable at least in words, but it was a great surprise to see the action of this Arab state fight terrorism by beheading 47 terrorists in their land as a way of showing their stand against terrorism. For putting their words into

Action shows their displeasure against terrorist act going on in the world and their resolve to fight it. For this Arab state to have taken this decision shows that the act of terrorism is beginning to taint Islamic religion and remaining silent will only mean they support the terrorist. However, condemning and beheading the terrorist has totally avail Saudi of any connivance with the terrorist. The road will be rough for Riyadh a public denouncement of this terrorist is a total shame to those who use the name of Allah to kill innocent people. This act of Riyadh will not be without repercussion, but doing the right thing is never a regret for the brave. Riyadh has taken a bold step without mincing words with the international community that a new Jihad had begun within Islam.

The Saturday’s attack on the Saudi embassy in Iran, which led to Riyadh severing ties with Iran is another bold step which Riyadh has taken to make his statement known in the international community that any act of aggression against his policy on terrorism automatically makes you an enemy of Riyadh. This diplomatic severance will definitely affect the Peace negotiation in Syria, which Saudi and Iran need to be present to have a peaceful negotiation and conclusion of the peace process, but with the current diplomatic strain between the 2 countries such will be difficult to achieve.

Riyadh had made it clear that there can never be any peace process in Syria except the incumbent president Bashir Al – Assad steps down as the president. If Riyadh is still in that position, then the

The diplomatic strain between the parties halting the peace process in Syria will will not be their fault, but that of Russia and its allies who believes that the decision by Bahsir Al –Assad to step down is in the hands of the Syrian people.

The step taken by RIYADH against terrorism is indeed admirable and laudable. The road will be rough in Riyadh but its resolve to fight terrorism simply shows they fear no foe but Allah in their new jihad against terrorism.

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