11 Little Things Men Secretly Adore About The Woman They Love
He may not tell you directly, but he loves these tiny things you do. In previous articles, we’ve discussed things that men secretly love,...
12 Cancer Causing Foods You Probably Eat Every day
We all know that carcinogens are all around us, which is why for the most part, we now avoid chemicals, smoking, radio waves and even...
10 Amazing Foods That Are Good For Your Skin
The real secret to glowing, healthy skin is not what lotions you use, or how you apply your makeup, it’s what you eat. Study after study...
Though old and frail, Tired and unkempt, The wisdom of life in them, They envy you with dignity. They look in your youth; They laugh,...
10 Tips On How To Build A Relationship That Works
Building a relationship that works is not easy. Many of us have to play the dating game for a few years, landing a few duds and going out...
Our sins have made us short, Short of the glory of God. Our conscience has condemned us, For our deed against God’s will. So came the...
Celebration; a great thing indeed, Sign of joy, appreciation, A cultural habit of a joyful feeling An immense gratitude. Deep thinking...
7 Ways To Enhance Intimacy In Marriage
Successful marriages last a long time. While working at the same place for twenty or thirty years can be monotonous, being married for...
15 Signs You’re Doing Well In Life Even Though You Don’t Think So
Let’s face it, sometimes life feels like it’s falling apart at the seams. Perhaps you’ve lost your job, or your marriage just ended, or...
7 Powerful Ways to Turn Every Failure Into Success
Failure is part of life, and most certainly part of business. We don’t often acknowledge it, but failure is also a fundamental element of...